
Welcome to the Videogames sector of Escee's TBN. Here you will find game-specific pages, game reviews, and game downloads.

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Sonic the Hedgehog The Sonic the Hedgehog page is dedicated to the world's fastest platform mascot.

Battlezone II pc 7.5  
Beyond Atlantis pc 5.9  
Blue Stinger dreamcast 6.2  
Chrono Cross playstation 9.7
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future dreamcast 8.4  
Deus Ex pc 9.6
Descent Freespace: The Great War pc 8.9
Final Fantasy IX playstation 8.9
Freespace 2 pc 9.5
Jet Grind Radio dreamcast 9.2
Panzer Dragoon Saga saturn 9.4
Phantasy Star Online dreamcast 8.8
Power Stone dreamcast 8.9
Rayman 2: The Great Escape pc, dc, n64, psx 9.4
realMYST pc 7.5  
Shenmue Chapter 1 dreamcast 9.5
Skies of Arcadia (updated) dreamcast 9.4
Sonic Adventure dreamcast 9.2
Sonic Adventure 2 dreamcast 9.5
Soul Calibur dreamcast 9.7





the gold game award is a pretigious honor bestowed upon the highest calibur of games. any gold game is an absolute must buy.

the gamer's choice award denotes a game that is highly reccomended by the TrueBlueNET.

snes, genesis, and gamegear emulation. click here