

Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka
For: Dreamcast
Genre: adventure
Reviewed by: Escee (Brandon)
Developer: AM2
Publisher: Sega
Shenmue is one of the most anticipated Dreamcast games in a long time, and is the latest masterpiece of game pioneer Yu Suzuki, who created such arcade masterpieces as Space Harrier, Hang On, and Outrun. Shenmue is said to revolutionize gaming, create a new genre, and create the most realistic gaming experience to date. The "new genre" is what Yu Suzuki calls "FREE," or Fully Reactive Eyes Entertainment. Basically, this means you can "go anywhere or do anything." Well, the first half of that phrase is true. You can go just about anywhere - realistically, that is. However, you can't do anything, at least not to the extent I had come to expect from Shenmue.

In Shenmue, you take the role of Ryo Hazuki, the son of a well-known martial-arts master, Iwao Hazuki. The antagonist, Lan-Di, appears one day in the dojo, and demands "the mirror" from Iwao. Iwao refuses, and then Ryo steps in. Lan-Di stranges Ryo, and Iwao gives up the location of the mirror to save his son. Lan-Di then does battle with Iwao, and is victorious. Lan-Di leaves, and Ryo tries to help his father, but his father dies before his eyes. Ryo promises to avenge his father's death, and kill Lan-Di.

The detail and realism in Shenmue is absolutely amazing. Time runs in the game (at about a 100x accelerated rate) and the environment, lighting, and weather changes over time just as in real life. People carry out their daily tasks, and you have to track them down at the right times, to talk to them. Stores open and close just as in real life. You can buy soda from vending machines, buy cassettes for your cassette player, win videogames for your Saturn, and play games at the arcade. So, you can do lots of things, and this is where the "you can do anything" comes from, but simply not to the extent the developers had led us to expect. You can't pursue a relationship with Nozomi (Ryo's love interest in the game), and you can't usually talk to people about anything except your current objective. Really, other than that, the game is truly boundless. Some may say the game is slow, simply because you have to wait for some stores to open and things like that, but you can pass your time in the arcade, or listening to music on the cassette player. The graphics are unrivaled. Check out the detail on Ryo's face in the first screenshot to the right. The detail is simply amazing everywhere. The only flaw with the graphics is there is slowdown in some areas, but this slowdown is very few and far between. The game is structured like a movie, but it doesn't play like one. The game is not an interactive movie. This game is truly epic, and it is only the prologue to the next chapters of the game. This game (which spans 3 discs, and also includes a 4th disc: The Passport Disc) is said to only contain Chapter One of the game, while Shenmue 2 is said to contain Chapters 2-5! You can also collect capsule toys from various machines around the game.

Shenmue combines genres. At its heart it is an adventure game (although some seem to call it an RPG, it has almost no RPG elements), but also has fighting segments (with an actual fighting system, and moves you can learn), and QTE (quick-timer events, where you have to press buttons fast enough to affect the outcome of the game)

The Passport Disc contains tons of extras. You can listen to the game's music, watch the game's movies, or go online and get tons more. Online, you can get special capsule toys that can only be obtained online. You can also trade winning cans (from the vending machines) for Character Animations for you VMU. Also online, you can get a complete analysis of your game, game hints, and other extras.
Shenmue sets the new standard for graphics in a game. Its visuals are simply unparalled.
Shenmue has great, realistic sound to accompany its perfect visuals. It also features an awesome soundtrack.
Shenmue has an awesome storyline, and successfully combines genres. The game is epic, and very fun to play. It may seem short, however, but honestly, the game just makes time fly.

The controls are good, as long as you can get used to the fact that the D-Pad controls movement, instead of the Analog Stick (which "looks around"). Once you get used to that, the controls are easy and well-implemented.
You may want to go back and beat Shenmue a second time, to get things you may have missed, or to collect more capsule toys, but probably not more than twice, and surely no more than three times. However, the 70-Man-Free-Battle time attack option, which is unlocked once you beat the game, may provide some replay value. The Shenmue Passport disc also offers some lastability, but there aren't enough extra options here.

Graphics 10.0
Sound 9.8
Gameplay 9.4
Control 9.2
Lastability 6.0
Overall 9.5
bottom line: Everyone in the world owes it to themselves to play Shenmue. At least give it a rent.


click on the above screenshots for larger versions.
images from ign and zdnet