

Freespace 2
For: pc
Genre: action/space sim
Reviewed by: Escee (Brandon)
Developer: Volition
Publisher: Interplay
Freespace 2 is a truly awesome game. Spanning 3 CDs, Freespace 2 is possibly the best space sim ever made, and one of my favorite games of all time. It features truly stunning graphics, a deep and interesting storyline, great voice acting, a solid soundtrack, an outstanding targeting system, and very fun gameplay.

Freespace 2 takes place 32 years after the Great War in the first Freespace. The Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance (GTVA), the joint program between the Humans and Vasudans, is facing a rebellion by the Neo-Terran Front (NTF) led by Admiral Aken Bosch. The game starts by having you lead Alpha wing of a GTVA squadron against the NTF. You will, through various missions, attack the NTF, rescue GTVA crafts under NTF attack, and try to track down Bosch after he tries to escape. You will be reassigned to various squadrons as the missions progress. The GTVA will unveil a massive warship, the Colossus, which can hold 60 fighter wings, or 12 Lucifer-class destroyers (the Lucifer was the final threat of the final mission in the first Freespace). The Colossus spans 6 kilometers, and has more firepower than 5 massive Orion capital ships. You will even have to fight through the nebula of Gamma Draconis, which fogs your vision and distorts your sensors, in order to trace down Bosch. When you finally do defeat the NTF, you will see the big picture. The Shivans are planning a massive strike against Terran-Vasudan space. They have developed the Sathanas-class juggernaut, which has more firepower than even the Colossus. But once you destroy the Sathanas, the GTVA announces that 80 Sathanas juggernauts are converging on Terran-Vasudan space.

This is one game you do not want to miss. Do yourself a favor and buy this game now. It is one of my all-time favorite games, ever.
The graphics are amazing. Freespace 2 starts off with an FMV (prerendered) intro that is simply stunning, and then when you start playing, you will see that the in-game graphics are almost identical to the FMV! The graphics and effects are awesome, and the framerate stays solid throughout the game, other than occasional minor slowdown in the nebula mission.
The voice acting is well done, and the sound-effects are spot-on. In the first Freespace, I complained about the sound of your laser hitting an enemy's hull. Well, in Freespace 2, Volition has fixed that sound, so the sound effects are almost perfect. Explosions are both visually and aurally cool, and the sound of a ship flying past you is right on target.
Freespace 2 has an involving storyline that is very well scripted. The game is fun and challenging, but if it gets too hard, the game is even nice enough to let you go to the next mission if you fail enough times. This is also one of my favorite games in a long time, because it is just so fun!
You can see my review of the original Freespace for details on the awesome controls and great targeting system. You still cannot tell a wing to guard another entire wing, just an individual ship.
One gripe I had with the original Freespace was that the online multiplayer mode was not popular enough. Well, Freespace 2 resolves my gripe. Online multiplayer is quite popular enough to easily start up a game. The game is also quite long so it should last you quite a while. Once you beat it, you may want to play through it again to raise your ranking or to earn more medals. Then, you can download Warzone, a fan-created campaign, and have even more fun.

Graphics 9.9
Sound 9.5
Gameplay 9.8
Control 9.0
Lastability 9.0
Overall 9.5
bottom line: Freespace 2 wasn't the sci-fi sim of the year for nothing. If you like space shooters, you should own this game. Period.


click on the above screenshots for larger versions.
images from gamespot, ign, volition, and me