

Beyond Atlantis
For: PC
Genre: adventure
Reviewed by: Escee (Brandon)
Developer: Cryo
Publisher: DreamCatcher
Beyond Atlantis is a game without a story. Or, at least that's how I see it. It is a traditional adventure game, trying to follow Myst but not quite keeping up. In Beyond Atlantis you will travel to Ireland, China, Maya, Tibet, and the mythical Shambala. Like Myst, the game only allows you to go to pre-determined places. However, the game does let you look in 360 degrees around you, albeit move.

The game is full of puzzles that either make no sense or have no explanations. For example, one puzzle requires the use of four pictures, which are named, and you must follow the spoken directions which are named. But one of the names is "river" and two of the pictures have a river! The game does not give you a chance. The puzzles are supposed to be challenging, but not impossible! The game is poorly documented. In another puzzle, you need to use the right mouse button to perform an action, but the game never tells you that you need the right mouse button, so I am sitting there for an hour trying to solve the puzzle with the left mouse button.

Atlantis doesn't have a story that even makes sense. You start off playing with no clue as to why you are playing or what you are trying to do. Some lady tells you that she can't help you without her salmon. Uhh... yeah... Not only is this strange, but she gives you absolutely no clue whatsoever as to where you might find the salmon or even why she needs it. This means that the game isn't even a game of ridiculous puzzles, but just a game of mindless exploration. The game ends with an ending that leaves you with absolutely no sense as to what you have accomplished or why!

The graphics are good - well, some of them. The character models are excellent, and the in-game graphics are good, but only while you are moving between pre-determined spots. When you are not actually in transit between locations, the resolution of the graphics is literally cut in half, and look very crappy. To top that off, the animations of your movement (the good-looking graphics) don't even exist half the time (the shot just simply cuts to the next location). And, on top of that, the graphics that are behind the character models are even more pixellated.
The voice acting is pretty good, and the sound is nice, but the soundtrack is very repetetive. You really start to notice when the track is starting over after playing for a while.
Frustrating, confusing, and storyless.

The game's basic controls are quite simple, use to mouse to look, and click in order to move or manipulate an object. Of course, as I said, the game doesn't always document the controls completely, such as that you need to right-click in a certain puzzle to accomplish an important task.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Well, I guess you will be frustrated for long enough to keep you playing, but there is no replay value!


Graphics 7.5
Sound 8.5
Gameplay 5.5
Control 8.9
Lastability 2.0
Overall 5.9
bottom line: If you are obsessed with adventure games, go ahead and give it a try. Otherwise, beware.


click on the above screenshots for larger versions.
images from gamezone and computer games online