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Reviews by Escee (Brandon)
Battlezone II pc 8.0 buy
Blue Stinger dreamcast 5.8 buy
ChuChu Rocket dreamcast 8.5 buy
Descent Freespace: The Great War pc 9.0 buy
Descent Freespace: Silent Threat pc 8.3 buy icon
Power Stone dreamcast 8.9 buy
Rayman 2: The Great Escape pc, dc, n64, psx 9.4 buy
Riven pc, psx 8.3 buy
Sonic Adventure dreamcast 9.2 buy
Soul Calibur dreamcast 9.7 buy
Starcraft pc 9.0 buy
Previews by Escee...

Reviews by URi
Curse of Monkey Island pc 9.8 buy

Reviews by Flarros
Alundra 2 playstation 8.7 buy
Chrono Cross playstation 9.1 buy
Diablo 2 pc 8.9 buy
Legend of Dragoon playstation 8.8 buy
Legend of Mana playstation 4.4 buy