The Ratings System
The ratings system at TSC Games is based on a 10-point scale, where the game will be reviewed in multiple categories and scored with a number from 1 to 10, including first-degree decimals (7.8, 7.9, 8.0, etc). The game will be given a score in each of the following categories:
graphics how the game looks visually, consistant framerates, smooth graphics, nice 3d rendering if applicable, vivid colors, anti-aliasing, animation, etc.
sound an original hi-quality soundtrack, good use of sound effects, voice-acting, etc
gameplay probably the most important category: gameplay is not only the style of the game used for its particular genre, but also how the game is played, the different modes of play, the way that the gameplay is carried out, AI, difficulty, storyline, and much more.
control how the gameplay is controlled, via mouse/controller/etc, and the game's action camera.
lastability lastability is what makes you come back and play a game again after you've beaten it. If there are extra features and modes in the game, the game will have more lastability than if not.
Then the game is given an overall score, which may be based on the five category scores, but is not an average of those scores. The overall score is completely independent from the category scores and will simply be the final score on the game. If a game recives 9s in everything but sound, in which it recieves a 4, the game may still recive a 9 overall. There is also a bottom line which is our final statement on the game.
Here is an overview of what the numbers mean:
10 a perfect game. you probably will never see one.
9+ a revolutionary game, and a must buy.
8+ a strong game that has a few problems but is still very strong
7+ a good game with some problems - fans of the genre should probably still pick this game up
6+ an average game. the game has enough flaws that it does not show itself as a better-than-average game. this is not to say the game cannot be fun, as many average games can be, but it is nothing that shows itself as anything special - it is just that, an average game.
5+ a less-than average game that has enough flaws to prevent from being reccomended
<5 a less-than-5 game is a poor game that you should not worry about.
0-2 a crappy game that we urge you NOT to buy.