Cheat Codes
Press Turbo, Shoot and Pass at the “Tonight’s Match-Up” screen to enable the corresponding code. (The numbers indicate how many times each button is pushed.) After pressing the buttons, push the d-pad in the indicated direction to activate cheat.

Example: To play ABA ball, you would Press Turbo, Turbo, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Pass, Pass, Right.

Cheat                  Code 
ABA ball               2-3-2  Right
Alternate uniform      4-3-0  Right
Away uniform           4-2-0  Right
Big heads              2-0-0  Right
Blizzard               1-3-1  Left
Fog **                 1-2-3  Up
Home uniform           4-1-0  Right
Hotspots               1-0-0  Down
Midway uniform         4-0-1  Right
Night fog **           1-2-3  Left
No Goaltending         5-5-5  Left
No hotspots *          2-0-1  Up
No replays             3-3-1  Left
No tip off             4-4-4  Up
Rain                   1-4-1  Left
Show shot percentage   0-0-1  Down
Snow **                1-2-1  Left
Swamp fog **           1-2-3  Right
Team uniform *         4-0-1  Right
Thick fog **           1-2-3  Down
Tiny players           3-4-5  Left
Tournament mode        1-1-1  Down

* Both teams must agree on cheat.
** Affects outdoor courts only.

Clean Pause
While the pause menu is up, press the X and Y buttons together.

Gamshark Codes

Infinite Turbo P1


Infinite Turbo P2


Infinite Turbo P3


Infinite Turbo P4


No Turbo P1


No Turbo P2


No Turbo P3


No Turbo P4


Away Team Scores 200








Away Team Scores 0








Team Scores 200








Team Scores 0








Away- 20 Extra Pts 1st Qtr




Away- 20 Extra Pts 2nd Qtr




Away- 20 Extra Pts 3rd Qtr




Away- 20 Extra Pts 4th Qtr




Home- 20 Extra Pts 1st Qtr




Home- 20 Extra Pts 2nd Qtr




Home- 20 Extra Pts 3rd Qtr




Home- 20 Extra Pts 4th Qtr




Away- 0 Pts 1st Qtr


Away- 0 Pts 2nd Qtr


Away- 0 Pts 3rd Qtr


Away- 0 Pts 4th Qtr


Home- 0 Pts 1st Qtr


Home- 0 Pts 2nd Qtr


Home- 0 Pts 3rd Qtr


Home- 0 Pts 4th Qtr


Disable Shot Clock



Hidden Characters
Enter the following initials and PIN numbers to activate the corresponding cheat.

Character                        Name    PIN
Big alien                        BIGGY   0958
Chad Edmunds                     CHAD    0628
Clown                            CRISPY  2084
Greg Cutler                      CUTLER  1111
Kerri (female)                   KERRI   0220
Kerri in alternate uniform       KERRI   1111
Lia (female)                     LIA     0712
Lia in alternate uniform         LIA     1111
Nikko dog                        NIKKO   6666
Old man                          OLDMAN  2001
Pinto horse                      PINTO   1966
Pumpkin                          JACKO   1031
Referee                          THEREF  7777
Retro Rob                        RETRO   1970
Shawn Liptak                     LIPTAK  0114
Small alien                      SMALLS  0856
Tim Kitzrow                      TIMK    7785
White horse                      HORSE   1966
Willy Morris                     WIL     0101
Wizard                           THEWIZ  1136


Hidden Courts
After choosing your team and players, hold one of the button combinations below until the game begins to play on the corresponding court.

Court            Button Combination
Island court     Right + Turbo
Midway court     Up + Shoot + Pass
NBC court        Down + Shoot + Pass
Team 1 (Left)    Up + Turbo
Team 2 (Right)   Down + Turbo 
Sweet court      Left + Turbo


Enter the following initials and PIN numbers to activate the corresponding cheat.

Team                             Name    PIN
Atlanta Hawks                    HAWK    0322
Charlotte Hornets                HORNET  1105
Chicago Bulls                    BENNY   0503
Denver Nuggets                   ROCKY   0201
Houston Rockets                  TURBO   1111
Indiana Pacers                   BOOMER  0604
Minnesota Timberwolves           CRUNCH  0503
New Jersey Nets                  SLY     6765
Phoenix Suns                     GORILA  0314
Seattle Sonics                   SASQUA  7785
Toronto Raptors                  RAPTOR  1020
Utah Jazz                        BEAR    1228


Midway Dorks
Enter the following initials and PIN numbers to activate the corresponding cheat.

Staff Member                     Name    PIN
Alex Gilliam                     LEX     0014
Andy Eloff                       ELOFF   2181
Beth Smukowski                   BETHAN  1111
Brian LeBaron                    GRINCH  0222
Chris Skrundz                    CMSVID  0000
Dan Thompson                     DANIEL  0604
Dave Grossman                    DAVE    1104
Eugene Geer                      E GEER  1105
Jason Skiles                     JASON   3141
Jeff Johnson                     JAPPLE  6660
Jennifer Hedrick                 JENIFR  3333
Jennifer in alternate uniform    JENIFR  1111
Jim Gentile                      GENTIL  1228
Jim Tianis                       DIMI    0619
John Root                        ROOT    6000
Jon Hey                          JONHEY  8823
Larry Wotman                     STRAT   2112
Paulo Garcia                     PAULO   0517
Mark Guidarelli                  GUIDO   6765
Mark Turmell                     TURMEL  0332
Matt Gilmore                     MATT G  1006
Mike Lynch                       LYNCH   3333
Paul Martin                      STENTR  0269
Rob Gatson                       GATSON  1111
Sal DiVita                       SAL     0201
Tim Bryant                       TIMMYB  3314
Tim Moran                        TIMCRP  6666


Play As Isiah Thomas
Enter THOMAS as your name Enter 1111 for your pin number






2D players
Enter “SQUISHY” at the Code screen.


Beach Ball
Enter BEACHBOYS at the Code screen.

Big Feet
Enter “BIGFOOT” at the Code screen.

Big Heads
Enter FATHEAD at the Code screen.

Evil Freethrow Trick
If you really want to enrage your friend (or sibling), hit start when his free throw cursor is lined up. This will cause his cursor to start back at the original position. If you do this enough times he will eventually get a penalty for being at the foul line to long. HA HA HA!

Extra point on Freethrow
When shooting your last freethrow you can control the center before the ball reaches the basket. Right after the ball leaves the shooters hands procede to take control of the center and jump towards the hoop and he will almost always catch the ball and dunk it before the ball even touches the rim. This will count as two points instead of one. It is almost like an alley-oop.

Fat players
Enter “DOUGHBOY” at the Code screen.

Hidden message
Enter “HIMOM” at the Code screen to display the message: “Hi mom! Love, your Child.” at the code confirmation screen.

Hurt Coaches
Put in "coachouch" as the password

Large players
Enter “MONSTER” at the Code screen.

Sega Sports teams
Enter “DEVDUDES” at the Code screen to unlock NBA 2K, Sega Sports and Sega teams.

Small players
Enter “LITTLEGUY” at the Code screen.







Bonus Characters

ALIEN   1111 "Scream" Mask *
BOXER   2111 Black guy with corn rows *
BRAIN   1111 Brain with eyes
CURTIS  1111 Rat mascot
DANIEL  0604 Dan Thompson
DINO    1111 Stegosaur head *
FORDEN  1111 Dan Forden
GENTIL  1111 Jim Gentile
GRINCH  0222 Punk with spikes
JAPPLE  6660 Jeff Johnson
JASON   3141 Jason Skiles
JENIFR  3333 Jennifer Hedrick
LUIS    3333 THE Luis Mangubat!
MOOSE   1111 A moose head *
PIRATE  1111 A pirate *
PUNKB   2112 Punk with blue Mohawk *
PUNKR   1221 Punk with red Mohawk *
RAIDEN  3691 Raiden from MK
RALPH   1111 Wolf mascot
ROOT    6000 John Root
SAD     1111 Sad face (upside down?)
SAL     0201 Sal Divita
SHINOK  8337 Demon Shinok from MK *
SHRUNK  6666 Shrunken head *
SKULL   1111 Skull!
SMILE   1111 Smiley face
THUG    1111 Cartoon Burglar *
TREX    1111 T-Rex head *
TURMEL  0322 John Turmell (Big hair!) *
ALEC    1197
AOB     1111
AUBREY  7777
AZPOD   4777
BRIAN   2221
CALEB   0996
DAVID   3333
EDDIE   3333
FRANZ   1010
GRINCH  2220
GUIDO   2222
GUMBY   8698
JEFF    1111
JOVE    6644
LEX     7777
LT      7777
MXV     1014
NATHAN  0515
NICO    4440 
RANDU   6666 
WHODAT  1844

*This character will look better when NOT using the Huge Head code (0-4-0 UP), because the head will either obscure the field or has a low polygon count.

Cosmetic Changes
At the versus screen, press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad or Analog-stick in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Jump(2), Pass(3), Left.

Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

2PA:  Two player agreement required (both players must enter the code)
1PO:  One player game only
2PO:  Two player game only
MPO:  Multiplayer only 
Big football                  0-5-0 Right
Big head                      2-0-0 Right
Huge head                     0-4-0 Up
No head                       3-2-1 Left
Headless team                 1-2-3 Right
Team big heads                2-0-3 Right
Show more field [2PA]         0-2-1 Right
Red, White and Blue Football  3-2-3 Left

Submitted by Monster (

Cosmetic Gameplay Changes
At the versus screen, press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad or Analog-stick in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Jump(2), Pass(3), Left.

Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

Hide receiver name            1-0-2 Right
Invisible                     4-3-3 Up
No highlighting of receivers  3-2-1 Down
Unidentified ball carrier     5-2-2 Down


Gameplay Changes
At the versus screen, press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad or Analog-stick in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Jump(2), Pass(3), Left.

Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

2PA:  Two player agreement required (both players must enter the code)
1PO:  One player game only
2PO:  Two player game only
MPO:  Multiplayer only 
Infinite turbo                5-1-4 Up
Fast turbo running            0-3-2 Left
Fast passes                   2-5-0 Left
Unlimited throw distance      2-2-3 Right
Super passing mode [2PA]      4-2-3 Right
Power-up offense              3-1-2 Up
Power-up defense              4-2-1 Up
Power-up teammates            2-3-3 Up
Power-up blockers             3-1-2 Left
Super blitzing                0-4-5 Up
Super field goals             1-2-3 Left
No interceptions              3-4-4 Up
No random fumbles             4-2-3 Down
No first downs                2-1-0 Up
No punting                    1-5-1 Up
Allow stepping out of bounds  2-1-1 Left
Late hits                     0-1-0 Up
Show field goal %             0-0-1 Down
No play selection [2PA]       1-1-5 Left
No CPU assistance [2PA]       0-1-2 Down
Power-up speed [2PA]          4-0-4 Left
Super blitz mode [2PA]        4-4-4 Up
Hyper blitz mode [2PA]        5-5-5 Up
Deranged blitz mode [2PA]     2-1-2 Down
Ultra hard mode [2PA]         3-2-3 Up
Smart CPU opponent [1PO]      3-1-4 Down
Tournament mode [2PO]         1-1-1 Down
Always quarterback [MPO]      2-2-2 Left
Always receiver [MPO]         2-2-2 Right
Cancel "Always QB/Receiver"   3-3-3 Up


Gamshark Codes

Team 2 Scores 0


Team 2 Scores 100


Team 1 Scores 100


Always 1st Down


Always 4th Down


3 Downs Per Possession




2 Downs Per Possession




1 Down Per Possession




Infinite Turbo Team 1


Infinite Turbo Team 2



Hidden Plays
While playing a game of Blitz using a VMU you can hide the cursor by going to the top left corner and then by pressing up twice. You can then look down at the VMU screen to see which play you have highlighted even though it is hidden to everyone else!

NFL Playbooks
To use a team’s playbook, enter its corresponding code on the VS screen. Numbers indicate how many times Turbo, Jump and Pass buttons should be pressed. For example, 5-2-5 means:

  1. Press TURBO 5 times.
  2. Press JUMP 2 times.
  3. Press PASS 5 times.
Cheat                           Code
49ers                           1-5-1   LEFT
Bears                           1-1-0   -none-
Bengals                         1-1-2   LEFT
Bills                           1-0-4   LEFT
Browns                          1-1-3   LEFT
Buccaneers                      1-5-4   LEFT
Broncos                         1-1-5   RIGHT
Cardinals                       1-0-1   LEFT
Chargers                        1-4-5   LEFT
Chiefs                          1-2-5   LEFT
Colts                           1-2-3   UP
Cowboys                         1-1-4   LEFT
Dolphins                        1-3-1   LEFT
Eagles                          1-3-3   LEFT
Falcons                         1-0-2   LEFT
Giants                          1-3-5   LEFT
Jaguars                         1-2-4   LEFT
Jets                            1-4-1   LEFT
Lions                           1-1-1   LEFT
Packers                         1-2-2   LEFT
Panthers                        1-0-5   LEFT
Patriots                        1-4-3   LEFT
Raiders                         1-4-2   LEFT
Rams                            1-5-3   LEFT
Ravens                          1-0-3   LEFT
Redskins                        2-0-1   LEFT
Saints                          1-3-4   LEFT
Seahawks                        1-5-2   LEFT
Steelers                        1-4-4   LEFT
Titans                          1-5-5   LEFT
Vikings                         1-3-2   LEFT


Weather Control
At the versus screen, press Turbo, Jump, and Pass to change the icons below the helmets. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad or Analog-stick in the indicated direction to enable the code. If you entered the code correctly, you will see the name of the code and hear a sound. For example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press Turbo, Jump(2), Pass(3), Left.

Note: More then one code may be activated per game.

Weather: clear                2-1-1 Left
Weather: snow                 5-2-5 Down
Weather: rain                 5-5-5 Right






Alien Stadium
Enter the code: SCLLYMLDR

Extra Injuries
Enter the code: HSPTL

Fat Players
Enter the code: MRSHMLLW

Fire players
Enter the code: HSNFR

Flubber Ball
Enter the code: FLBBR

Enter the code: BTTRFNGRS

Gamshark Codes

Home Team Scores 100


Home Team Scores 0



Giant Coin
Enter the code: BGMNY

Giant Football
Enter the code: BCHBLL

Mine Field
Enter the code: PPCRNRTRNS

Enter the code: RGBY

Slow Motion
Enter the code: FRRSTGMP

Small Players
Enter the code: SHRTGYS

Thin Players
Enter the code: TTHPCK

Unlimited Turbo
Enter the code: TRBMN



Alternate text
Enter “SCRAWL” at the Codes screen.

Announcer left speechless
When you are playing a game and you manage to get 200 points or over, when the announcers announce what the score is, the leave out yours. So if the score was 203 to 6, the annoucers would just say: "to 6"

Auto play selection (defense)
Press A (x2) when on defense to have the CPU pick the best defensive play to stop opponent.

Auto play selection (offense)
Press A (x2) when on offense to have the CPU pick the best offensive play to thwart opponent.

Boisterous crowd
Select an offensive linebacker then press X before the snap.

Call for Time Out in Vs. Mode
To call time out in versus mode for players 2,3, or 4 you must use the analog stick to choose the timeout option on the pause menu, not the directional pad. Use the A button as usual to select the option. Once this is done, the directional pad can be used for the rest of the game.

Extra Attribute Points
In the attribute setting in create-a-player if you move the numbers all the way to 0 and back to the top you will get 1 extra point. Do this for all of them and you will get 10 or 11 extra points.

Fat players
Enter “LARD” at the Codes screen.

Gameshark Codes

Home Team Scores 100


Home Team Scores 0



Hide Your Plays
It is possible when picking your play to not reveal it to your opponent. When you select it with the A button, keep it depressed and search for a dummy play. While it is still depressed you can even push B to get to a different formation. Once you do you can release A and change formations, allowing you to really confuse your opponent.

High-pitched Commentary
Enter SQUEEKY at the Codes screen.

Hushed crowd
Select the quarterback then press X before the snap.

Perfect Kicks Everytime
Whenever you kick the ball, whether it be an extra point, field goal, a kickoff, or just punting. When your team is lining up to kick, hit the B button to select anyone besides the kicker, and your kicker will be controlled by the computer and will kick a perfect kick everytime.

Sack the Quarterback Every Time
Having trouble sacking the quarterback? Just go under penalties and turn the offsides and neutral zone off. With this done you can sack the quarterback or easily block punts or field goals. Try this code while playing a friend and see how long until he realizes yo're cheating

Sega Sports teams
Enter “SUPERSTARS” at the Codes screen.

Slow-motion speed setting
Enter “DEDMAN” at the Codes screen. (Note: The slow-motion game setting is toggled within the “Game Speed” menu.)

Turbo speed setting
Enter “TURBO” at the Codes screen. (Note: The Turbo setting is toggled within the “Game Speed” menu.)




Big Head Mode
At the "Black Box" screen or the first screens before or after it, press B,B,X on CONTROLLER D (a controller in the 4th plug).

Black Box team
To get the black box team at the black box title in controller port D hold down L and R and press B,A,B,Y and get the best team in the game.

Easy Goal Trick
Go around the goal on the left. Exit around the right. The goalie will follow by putting himself on the right side of the goal. Either shoot or pass to someone on the left. If you pass, shoot right away before the goalie can move.

Picture of any NHL star in the stats area
Just as with the Wayne Gretzky code, create a character with the correct name of any current NHL star see his picture on the edit lines screen.

Special Wayne Gretzky Message
To pay your own tribute to The Great One, simply create a player using the name "Wayne Gretzky" to see the message "Thanks for the Memories" on the player photo area.




Clean Pause screen
As with many other DC titles, if you press X+Y at the pause screen, the pause message will go away.

Restore Health
If your getting clobbered and you just cant seem to survive long enough. Then try this, during gameplay

press and hold X, Y, B.

Watch as your health bar recharges itself.