Big Feet Mode
Beat career mode with Balls Mahoney.

Big Hand Mode
Beat career mode with Jason.

Big Head Mode
Beat career mode with Rhino.

Change Chants
When you are playing and the crowd starts chanting press start for a second them press start again the crowd will chant a different chant for the same person

Custom Wrestler Textures
Beat career mode as Tommy Dreamer.

Ego Mode
Beat career mode as Chris Chetti.

Fat Man Mode
Beat career mode as Spike Dudley.

Hangman Mode
Beat career mode as Sal E. Graziano.

Headless Mode
Beat career mode with Taz.

Little Head Mode
Beat the career mode with Roadkill.

Play as Beulah McGillicutty.
Play the career mode and win the ECW World Tag Team belt.

Play as Bill Alfonso.
Beat career mode with Rob Van Dam.

Play as Cyrus the Virus
Play the career mode and win the ECW World TV belt.

Play as Joel Gertner
Play the career mode and win the Acclaim belt.

Play as Joey Styles
Play the career mode and win the Acclaim belt.

Play as Judge Jeff Jones.
Beat career mode with Mike Awesome.

Play as Louie Spicolli.
Play the career mode and win the ECW World Heavyweight belt.

Play as Taz
Play the career mode and win the ECW World Heavyweight belt.

Play as The Sheik.
Play the career mode and win the ECW World Tag Team belt.

Play as Tommy Rich
Play the career mode and win the ECW World TV belt.

Play as the Jobbers.
Defend the ECW World Heavyweight belt five times.

Random Head Mode
Beat career mode as Louie Spicolli.



Easy Gabaro and Elements
Go into the 1st floor of Fogna through the North Fogedge. Follow the path until you get to the room with the frozen floor. Upon entering use the spin to kill all the LittleMurders. Stop spinning and head narrow opening on top of the duct. Listen for the LittleMurders as the come out of the wall and spin to kill them all again. Repeat this to get lots of gabaros and elemental refills. Your health should stay about the same, even with the spinning, as you should get some health refills too.

Gameshark Codes
Infinite Health 18AC16CE00000019

Get the Eco Spinner
This, by far, is the best E.G.G. tool available to you in this game. To get this "Dream Item", as Luckie puts it, you must fight and defeat Luckie and his Justice Horn 100 times consecutively. Upon beating Luckie the 100th time, he will say you are his eternal master and give you the Eco spinner. The Eco Spinner allows you to spin forever without consuming any EP's. This tool will help tremendously against the bosses like Pointer, Armordress and Noman's Guard. If you fight Luckie at the beginning of your adventure it only takes about 5 to 7 hits to stop him, but the further into the game you go, the stronger and faster Luckie becomes.

Hidden Money, Attack & Defense Capsules
Go to the house in the southeast corner of Eastokion. Go to the second floor, here there is an old man named Clay. Talk to him and he will tell you several stories. after the stories he will ask you questions. If you get all the questions right you will get free money, and every fifth question or so you will get a free attack, or defense capsule.

Hidden artwork
Put disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM to see artwork, sound files and .BMP images from the game.

List enemies
Locate two computers near the first save location at the beginning of the game. Use the “Talk” command to view a list of enemies and extra graphics.

Regain health
Wait until your character has less than 11 hit points. Then stand on the staircase and allow the enemy to hit you to regain up to 11 hit points.





Alternate costumes
Press X at the character selection screen.

Bypass dialogue
Press B before a move has been made during battle.





$300000 money
If you complete the game once and save it on the VMU,the next time you load the save game, it will give you the"$300000"loan for the game.

+72 attack booster
If you pay off your debt with Nina she will give you a +72 attack booster!

+96 Attack Booster
After you beat Eugene, you can go to all the ruins again. Go to the Blind ruins and explore each floor completely until you find it.

Alternate Costumes
At the character selection screen press, X

Alternate costumes
Press X at the character selection screen.

Bypass dialog
Press B before a move is made during battle.

Combination attacks
Attack a monster from behind to give your character two attacks in a row.

Easy EXP...method 1
When in the carrier go to the 2nd room. Inside there you will find 2 doors one of the leads to a single hallway. Go through the door and there is a soldier. Fight him then exit to the hallway. Then renter and he is back this happens infinite times.

Easy EXP...method 2
Everyone should know by now that you can gain a lot of experience by just roaming through the dungeons and waiting for the right moment to sneak up behind and enemy, giving you the advantage or "initiative" which allows you to finish them off before they even get a turn. But, there is an even easier way. In certain rooms you will notice that a red dot (enemy) will appear and disappear at random. So far I have only found two creatures that exhibit this type of behavior - the "Crinoid" and the ever illusive "Mechaphage". The Mechaphage looks like a mechanical (steal plated) version of the "Bacterio". This creature travels through the shafts an pipes connecting the dungeons. It is non-confrontational and will hide as soon as you come close to it. The only way I have been able to catch it is to use a "Cameleon Color" which allows me to sneak up on it un-noticed. When you catch it, it appears to always be by itself which is good because it is easy to defeat and will give you a minimum of 500 experience points each, along with other items it may drop when you defeat it. This is a good way to boost your characters levels before facing a difficult BOSS.

Easy EXP...method 3
Here's another way to get a lot of experience points. After passing the Medical Room(the room with the Naolin Golds), Go down the stairs and clear the area. After beating everyone up(including the 4 sleeping soldiers), go down the stairs. Three guards will come out and attack you. After defeating them, you'll hear a message over the PA. If you want, go back to the medical room to get some healing done. You can fight the guard on the bed by jumping on and talking him, go to the room across from there to fight the soldier who suprises you, and/or go back to the four soldiers(if it's the four soldiers, you have to go back, talk to one on the bed, leave to any another room, then go back again). Now, they're using Howitzers! Fighting four or more soldiers with Howitzers gives you more than 1000 EXP!!!

Fight The Mecha Phage
The mechaphage can be found in any ruin at anytime on any floor. It is a metallic phage and will give you alot of experience points and TP. If you see one DO NOT RUSH AT IT it will disappear and go into another room, instead turn on chameleon color (if you have it) and grab it. If you don't have chameleon color then stand alittle ways away from it but still enough to see it. Make sure there is something in between you and it or else it will warp to another part of the room. It will dance around for a while so watch it and wait for it to stretch its legs completely out. When you see this run at it and grab it! It's not hard to kill a mechaphage but try to kill it in your first turn or it may flee.

Free Cash (AKA Pay off your debt)
Use the unlimited Naolin Gold described above but sell it instead of using them to heal. Pay off your debt in no time! (also, when you beat the game you're gonna want about $200,000 stashed away to pay off a little something at the end.)

Funky Message
If you click the "A" button on the tree behind the bus in town, it will desplay Japanese writing for the person's name and it will show a strange symbol in the text message. It's not a helpful code, but it's FUNNY

Hidden Red Viper
Mag has hidden a Red Viper item (returns a fallen character to life with 25% health) under a shrub between the signpost outside his house and the airfield. Check the shrub and he'll dig it up.

Hidden fireball
If you want to get a hidden fireball when you first start the game as soon as you get the lecture from Gre go upstairs and look in the dresser in the corner. Do NOT recruit Gre or the code will not work

How To Get Chain
When you first start and you are on your way to society, stop at the bus and go in. Chain will come and talk to you and then he will go into the back, follow him there and press A. He will ask if he can join your party

How to beat the robot Eugene
To beat Eugene you must be at level 75 (eds. note:Shaotim is very insistant that you can do it at level 45)and use Gre and Pepper as you partners. Make sure you have the cyframe parts hammer, hand, and recovery. Use MAGNA WAVE for Mag, PEPPER FLASH when you are Pepper, and any SPIRIT MOVES for Gre. Make sure you have a lot of green moss and nailon royal. Eugene has 30000 HP so be careful.
First have pepper on your team and keep your HP up with Linear. Keep using flat shot with Pepper until the damage of his drill does only 1 (using the protective spell from Linear wouldn't hurt)move Mag to the front so he will inflict max damage. I suggest you use the move magna combo cause it ends in that tight looking Shinryuken!
Your party should consist of Mag, Pepper, and Gre. Use Mag to cast the second spelling in the lightning hand parts to freeze Eugene's robot giving one other character the chance to hit him. Have Gre serve up his placid soup a couple of times in case Mag's spell misses, (there is less than a five percent chance of failure) also use Gre to lower Eugene's defenses. Have Pepper cast pepper flash and do normal attacks when she is out of FP. Use a green moss or apple seed only when Mag's FP are near empty.

How to pay off the debt easy
First be at level 45 in the third ruins you go to then get all the treasure chests, then go back to town trade in all your appraised items then go back to the ruins at lvl 1 then get killed. You will now have 200,000gp

Immediately eliminate status effect
While in battle sometimes monsters will perform attacks that cause changes in your otherwise normal status. (Such as sleep and paralysis.) When this happens it is possible to easily rid yourself of these two status changes by simply pressing the B button (blue button) when the turn of the player with the status change comes up. The dialog box at the top of the screen will say for example "Gre is alseep," and show a close up of your character, now press the B button and your character will be fully awake or fully able out of paralysis on his/her next turn.

Music Test
After finishing the fifth and final ruins, enter the tavern and then check the jukebox. A list of all the music in the game is now available to play.

Screwed up writing
To see some really screwed up writing, go fight and win a battle.After the battle when and only when your characters are flashing go to the main menu and select party.Then select formation,and try to move your guys around.If your guys are still flashing some weird writing will appear and the game will get really slow.Don't try this for too long though,it might screw up your game.

Special Items on the Ship
When you reach the ship, be sure to search all of the crates/barrels/furniture/etc. in a room. Many of them hide special items that you will find _very_ useful. These special items can only be found once, so be careful how you use them.In particular, you will find : Green Moss (restores full FP) in the tank room; Cosmo Fruit (restores full HP and FP) in the ventilator storage room; and a Kevlar Tail Coat (for Gre) in the room where the Guard asks "Who's There?". Be sure to save the Cosmo Fruit and Green Moss for your 2nd encounter with Eugene. You'll need them.

Unlimited Naolin Gold
When you are on the carrier near the end of the game enter the door with the first aid symbol and search the medicine cabinet for a Naolin Gold. You can search it as often as you wish to stock up on them.

Use Special Moves Without Using FP
To use any special move without using any FP simply wait until you are in battle to master a technique. (This is really useful on bosses)



Additional credits
Press A, B, Left, A, B, Right, B, A, Down, R during game.

Additional lives
Press A, B, X, Y, L, R, Up, Down, Left, Right during game.

First person perspective
Press L, Left, R, Right, X (x2), Down (x2), R, L during game.

God mode
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Left, Right, Y OR Up, Down, Left, Right, L, R, Left, Right, Start during game.

Press Down (x5), Up (x4), R during game.

Instant victory
Press L, R, L, R, Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, X during game.

Select level
Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right (x2), Y during game.

Press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Left, Right, Y during game.

Skip level
Press Y (x2), X (x2), L, R, Down (x2), Up (x2) during game.