Blue Stinger
For: dreamcast
Genre: adventure
Reviewed by: Escee (Brandon)
Developer: Climax Graphics
Publisher: Activision
Hmm. I expected more from Blue Stinger. I got good graphics, but, um...
It is probably a good thing I am starting with the graphics for Blue Stinger. Because the graphics kick ass. The game starts with possibly the best intro ever. It really seems like a movie, the way the intro is laid out. It is a long intro, and has kick-ass graphics. The game itself also has smooth, crisp, vibrant graphics. Blue Stinger looks good.
The sound is not bad. But the music seemed kind of generic to me. The effects are okay. The intro was great.
The actual gameplay was very good in my opinion. But. But there are very few save points and they are far apart. When I got stuck, I lost probably an hour's worth of progress in the game, because the save point was back in the last complex. I had passed through a whole area, arrived in a new area, and there was no save. The difficulty was easy at first, but then got difficult and with the lack of save points, it was no longer fun. I really wanted to like this game! The gameplay was very original and was a good idea in my opinion. But it just didn't happen. The save points were far too scarce and the game just didn't come together.
The controls are good, as opposed to the demo of Carrier I played, which has crappy controls. Blue Stinger has good controls.
Um. There is none. If you can actually beat the game, you won't play it again.
Graphics 9.9
Sound 5.0
Gameplay 6.0
Control 9.0
Lastability 2.0
Overall 5.8
bottom line: It's an average game. If you like adventure games and you have the cash to spare, go for it. Otherwise, don't bother.


click on the above screenshots for larger versions.
images from ign